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December 4, 2022

It All Leads To This

Passage: Matt. 3:1-12, Rom. 15:4-13, Is. 11:1-10, Ps. 72:1-7
Service Type:

Have you ever known that something is going to happen, but not when? The check that is supposed to arrive soon, the job promotion you’re waiting for, the contractor who said they’d call you back. It can be nerve wracking because you don’t know if it will really happen, and so the wait can seem like forever. As Christians, we wait in anticipation for the return of our Savior, not with anxiousness, but with hope that is found in God’s faithfulness. This Advent season, we hope you join us as we look at how we are called to live a Christ-centered life in preparation for His return.

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We encourage you to spend some time with God this week and go a bit deeper on this topic. Please consider these study questions for further reflection:

Question 1
The entirety of God’s revelations to humanity have all pointed to Jesus as His plan of redemption. All the law, prophets, and judges point to the Messiah. Yet, God’s people had to wait for thousands of years after those prophecies were made for them to come to fruition. How did generation after generation have faith, for thousands of years, in God’s promises and stay faithful? What about when they didn’t stay faithful?

Question 2
Jesus lived, died, and rose again so that our relationship with Him could be restored. And He promised that He would return to judge the living and the dead to complete our redemption in glory. But now we are in the waiting, for thousands of years. How do we hold faith during the wait? How do we hold onto the hope from God’s revealed truth’s?

Question 3
As Christians, there is great hope during the wait for Jesus’ return. But, if you have not accepted God’s forgiveness and call Him Lord, there is no hope. Where is your hope found? Is it found in things that will fade away? Or is it found in the One who is perfect, holy, and loves you enough to offer you a way back into his Glorious presence?

Additional Scripture to study: Psalm 72:1-7;18-19, Isaiah 11:1-10, Matthew 3:1-12, Romans 15:4-13, Titus 1:2-3, 1 Peter 1:18-20, Acts 2:22-23, Luke 24:21-27, Acts 4:8-12

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