Bible Text: Acts 2:46-47 | Speaker: Kelly Smith | Series: Church Defined | The Bible is clear concerning the mission of the Church. It is not complex – it is actually quite simple. The Great Commandment calls us to love God and others; the Great Commission calls us to share God’s story with all people. But how do we implement them both? Acts 2 creates an intentional journey for every church to follow. Join us as we examine the structure the earliest believers adopted in our new preaching series “Church: Defined”.
Study Questions
One of the overarching happenings in the early church was their desire to have community and fellowship with one another. They ate together, shared what they had with one another, took communion, and enjoyed each other’s goodwill in life. As the church, the people called out by God that gather, we should have fellowship with one another. What ways are you living life with fellow believers? Do you think it is important to do so?
We have an innate desire to be in relationship with one another. It is because we are created in God’s image, to be like God, as we see in Genesis 1:26-27. God is a relational being; he even has fellowship, within himself, between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If we are created in God’s image, and God is relational in all he does, then doesn’t it make sense that we are to be relational in our life as well? Do you put a priority in your relationship with God and with others?
Before he was crucified, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment in John 13:34-35 – “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” We are called to love others the way God loves us: unconditionally, without judgement or rejection. This is how people will know we are God’s followers – our love. Are you showing God’s love to those around you no matter their politics, their beliefs, their appearance, their sexuality, their attitude, or their actions? Are you extending the grace, mercy, and truth that God has give you? In not, how do we shift our hearts and minds to love EVERYONE the way that God loves us?
Additional scriptures to study: Acts 2:42-47, Genesis 1:26-27, John 13:34-35, John 5:34