The Shield of Faith
Bible Text: Ephesians 6:16 | Speaker: David White | Series: Armor of God | How do we contend with the battles within us, the circumstances around us and the darkness against us? Scripture is clear that God has granted us the full riches of His glory, giving us everything we need through Christ to face these challenges. Learn how we’ve been spiritually equipped to fight our daily battles in our new preaching series The Armor of God.
Study Guide Questions
Beginning to understand the shield of faith requires answering the following questions. What did today’s sermon say about each of these areas? -What is faith? -What is the shield that is referred to? -Why do we need the shield of faith?
Bible References: Ephesians 6:10-20; Hebrews 10:38-11:2
Knowing about the shield of faith is only the first step to using it. How can a Christian effectively use the shield of faith in their lives?
Bible Reference: Ephesians 6:16
How can you use the shield of faith today? How about later this week?
Bible Reference: Ephesians 6:16