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June 25, 2023


The hope of the Jewish people can be summed up in one word: “Messiah,” which means “The Anointed One.” In the Old Testament, there were three offices to which people were anointed to serve God’s people – Prophet, Priest, and King. Prophets preached, priests sacrificed, and kings ruled. Messiah was prophesied to be a combination of these three offices in one person. Today we who believe in this Messiah, Jesus Christ, are called to learn from him as our prophet, trust him as our priest, and obey him as our king, for he is the center of our lives and the focal point of authentic Christianity. Join us in this three-week sermon series as we rediscover Christ as our perfect Prophet, Priest and King.

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We encourage you to spend some time with God this week, dive into the Bible, and go a bit deeper on this topic. Please consider these study questions for further reflection:

Question 1
Have you ever felt like an “Outsider”? What does that feel like? Sin separates man from the presence of God and makes us Outsiders. Since the first sin entered the world, man has been trying to be an “Insider” with God by our good works and our sacrifices. Read Hebrews 4:14-16 and 9:22,28. How are our sins forgiven and how is our relationship restored with God?

Question 2
The Tabernacle Plan was given by God as a foreshadowing of Jesus, the Great High Priest. How do each of these elements in the Tabernacle point to Christ? Gate of the Court (John 10:9), Altar of Sacrifice (Matthew 26:27-28), Brazen Laver (Exodus 30:18-20, 1 Corinthians 11:27-29), The Menorah (John 8:12), The Table of Shewbread (John 6:35, Matthew 26:26), The Altar of Incense (Romans 8:34, 1 John 2:1, Hebrews 7:25), The Veil (Matthew 27:50-51)

Question 3
In the Tabernacle, the way to get into God’s presence was to go through three openings – The Gate, the Curtain and the Veil. The Hebrews called these “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Read John 14:6. What was Jesus saying of himself?

Question 4
When Jesus died and said, “It is finished”, he fulfilled all the requirements of both the High Priest and the Innocent Sacrifice. At the moment of his death, the Tabernacle veil that separated a Holy God from sinful man was torn from top to bottom allowing man to once again have access to the presence of God. Are you an “Insider”? What does this mean to you?

Additional scriptures to explore: Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 9:22, Genesis 3:21, John 10:9, John 14:6, Matthew 26:26-28, 1 Corinthians 11:27-29, Exodus 30:18-20, John 8:12, John 6:35, Romans 8:34, Hebrews 9:11-12

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