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January 3, 2021

No More Shame

Passage: Genesis 3, Romans 6:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17
Service Type:

Bible Text: Genesis 3, Romans 6:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17 | Speaker: Willie Batson | Series: Fully You | As followers of Christ, we have a promise of a new identity in him. But a lot of us struggle to shake off the old habits that continue to plague us. So, what could it look like to get rid of those old habits and embrace the new habits that align with our new identity in Christ? Our new sermon series on identity entitled “Fully You” answers that question. Join us as we learn to recognize the spiritual roots of shame, forgive past hurts, and see how lasting change happens.

Study Questions
Additional scriptures: Genesis 3; Romans 6:5-7, 11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 5:18; John 1:12; Romans 8:35-39; Romans 5:1-2

Do you feel the need to hide something about your life? What is it? Is shame the reason for wanting to hide it?

How have you seen the negative impact of the shame defenses — self-absorption, self-gratification, and perfection/control — in your life? How can our true identity in Christ set us free from these shame defenses?

What defenses have you developed that are keeping you from being free to love and be loved, to be who God says you are in Christ?

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Lisa Routhier says:

    WOW, jam packed with truth…I had to rewind several times. Pastor Willie should write a book with a work book on this. My word for the year is Free. I look forward to the whole series.

  • Lisa says:

    The link to this service isn’t working.

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