Living As Children of Light
So often, we settle for “good enough” in our lives. But God never meant for us to live “good enough” lives – He calls us his “Masterpiece” and He seeks to do immeasurably more in our lives than we could ever ask for or think of. As a church, Grace Community hopes to be a place of God’s immeasurable love, joy, peace, and grace. Join us on Sundays in this study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians as we discover how to live more fully and deeply in God’s “Immeasurably More”.
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We encourage you to spend some time with God this week, dive into the Bible, and go a bit deeper on this topic. Please consider these study questions for further reflection:
Question 1
Reading through Ephesians 4:22-32, in what ways can you “put off” the “old self” and put on the “new self”?
Question 2
Ephesians 4:29 and 5:4 set a high standard for our speech. In what ways can you use your words to build someone up this week?
Question 3
We best live out of our identity as children of God when we spend time with our heavenly Father. How will you spend time with Him today?
Additional scriptures to explore: Ephesians 4:22-5:3