A Work in Progress
Bible Text: Philippians 1:3-8 | Speaker: Glen Boardman | Series: Priority Mail | When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, it is easier to surrender to cynicism than to fight for joy. As humans, we tend to allow negativity to be the first thoughts in our head and direct our path during tough times. In the bible, Paul recognized this fact and wrote to the church in Philippi to live out lives that are obedient to God and uplift one another through encouragement. Join us as we journey through the book of Philippians and study Paul’s letter to the church in our Summer Teaching Series Priority Mail.
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Study Questions
At the cross, the work of salvation was complete… but God is not finished working in you!
Phil 1:6 says:
6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Think back to the day/season that God saved you. What was the “good work within you” that God began at that time. (This is the moment that “the Great Exchange” took place – when God took away our sins and replaced them with the righteousness of Jesus.)
God began a good work in you (salvation), but he is faithful to continue to work in you to conform you into the image of Jesus (sanctification). How have you seen God working in your life to do this?
Read Proverbs 3:3-5 and Isaiah 30:21. Think back over your life and even right now… How has God directed your path and shown you which direction to go?
As humans, we all sin. But none of this surprises God. He is at work in us in the midst of our sin and failures. It is GOD who saves us, GOD who still works in us, and GOD who will complete us. Is there anything in your life that you should give over to him?